
PrefVote test suite

PrefVote is designed for multiple programming language implementations using a common test suite. The test suite consists of “black box” test specs used across all languages, plus “white box” unit tests within each language’s source code directory. The test harness collects Test Anything Protocol (TAP) data from each language’s unit tests to report the results.

Scripts in the test directory

Progress on the test suite

Numbers in each cell are test cases planned/passed/failed.

language/set Core STV Schulze RankedPairs total
Perl whitebox 354/354/0 193/193/0 183/183/0 139/139/0 869/869/0
Rust whitebox 𝟬 𝟬 𝟬 𝟬 0/0/0
Perl blackbox 7794/7794/0 8958/8958/0 10315/10315/0 8295/8295/0 35362/35362/0
Rust blackbox 𝟬 𝟬 𝟬 𝟬 0/0/0
total 8148/8148/0 9151/9151/0 10498/10498/0 8434/8434/0 36231/36231/0

Black-box test data files

Randomly-generated black-box test data files and their run results for each voting method can be found in these overview files (generated by the test-overview script, which also calls acr-compare and vote-count).

Column headings in result overviews: